miércoles, marzo 29, 2006

Antonio Solé


Just being a proud Mommy, and sharing with everyone how much my little man has grown =). Antonio said "Hi, to all my Tia's and Tio's".

7 comentarios:

cyberdos dijo...

esho ma kuki :)

Ao ©® dijo...

Your little Antonio is growing very fast. In a matter of days he will be asking for the keys for car (or should I say motocycle?)...

cyberdos dijo...

Car, no problem; Motorcycle, he better get a job!

perezpuig dijo...

future player definitely.

cyberdos dijo...


He's Rick James Biatch!

Ao ©® dijo...

I have a question. If Antonio is a future player, his role model must be some kind of a current player? Current Player.

cyberdos dijo...
