sábado, febrero 11, 2006

Heat Island Effect en Puerto Rico

Heat Island Effect Puerto Rico

La revista Eos Transactions del American Geophysical UnionSan Juan ATLAS Mission. Los mismos revelan que a pesar de ser una pequeña isla tropical, Puerto Rico sufre un fenómeno llamado el urban heat island effect. Hasta ahora se pensaba que este fenómeno sólo ocurría en grandes metrópolis continentales como Los Angeles y Ciudad de Méjico. Este estudio revela nuestra significativa aportación a los cambios climáticos globales producto de nuestro desparramamiento urbano y nuestras prácticas constructivas inadecuadas entre otros desaciertos. El uso intensivo de materiales de gran masa térmica como el concreto y el asfalto son algunos de los factores que provocan este fenómeno. Como arquitectos (al menos la mayoría de nosotros) es urgente que asumamos nuestra responsabilidad sobre el asunto ya que muchas de las alternativas para mitigar este fenómeno son consideraciones sensibles a la hora de diseñar y desarrollar nuestro entorno construido.

El reportaje está muy interesante, tiene mucha información e imágenes infrarrojas más detalladas, vea el file completo aquí.
publicó los resultados del


"People are often confused by the ideas of recombination and digitality. The former typically connotes scientific esoterica pertinent to molecular biology, while the latter is associated with information and communication technology. Indeed, these associations are correct, but very reductive. Recombination and digitality are not so specialized. As we shall see, they are the foundation of a new cosmology —a new way of understanding, ordering, valuing, and performing in the world. While some cultural vectors have been faster to embrace digital models than others, no area remains untouched. Theater, like all of the fine arts, is now in the process of constructing a relationship with this new paradigm, and this is at times a very embittered struggle. The elder model of the analogic, deeply embedded in cultural institutions, is not voluntarily sharing any territory.


Much more is at stake than the configuration and appearance of theater in the next century; the formation of digital theater (in the widest sense of this term) is a struggle over the micro-sociology of the performative matrix of everyday life. The digital model, like the analogic, contains both apocalypse and utopia, and the applications constructed now will in part determine the directions in which digital processes will later flow. Capitalism is primarily a digital political-economy, much as the medieval economy was primarily analogic. Pancapitalism’s use of the digital thus far has been horrifying, whether one considers the pathological separation and alienation of Taylorist production, the false democracy of consumption, the repressive apparatus of surveillance, or the biotechnologies of eugenics. Digital culture is on this same trajectory, with its primary manifestation being an invasive mass media that functions as a re-production and distribution network for the ideology of capital.

Spain in NYC

La nueva imagen de España abre la puerta grande del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Nueva York

NUEVA YORK.- El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Nueva York abrió el martes sus puertas a ese "laboratorio emergente de arquitectura contemporánea" en que se ha convertido España (palabras mayores de Terence Riley, comisario jefe de arquitectura y diseño del MoMA).


''GFPixel is a "painting" made of genetically transformed bacteria. The organisms are cultivated in about 4000 Petri-dishes that are arranged as a portrait. Like on digital screens part of the bacteria produce the green light – the Green Fluorescent Protein-gene is switched ON and in the other part the GFP-gene is switched OFF.

Vía Wmmna


U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation San Juan, Puerto Rico


Execution of Federal Search Warrants
Targeting Domestic Terrorism Luis S. Fraticelli, Special Agent in Charge, San Juan Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), today announces the execution of six federal search warrants aimed at preventing a potential domestic terrorist attack and the gathering of evidence related to an ongoing domestic terrorism investigation. Investigation by the FBI has revealed that this potential attack, where explosives devices were to be utilized, was directed at privately owned interests in Puerto Rico, as well as the general public.