viernes, febrero 24, 2006

US News Photo

Tuve que escanear esta foto que vi en un articulo del US News y añadirle los captions. Mis disculpas si ofendo a algun cavernicola de Geico en el proceso.

. . . l y n c h . . .

Shooting – Pologne

Lynch at Łódź
David Lynch arrived in Poland to complete filming on Inland Empire, his new film whose screenplay is still shrouded in secret.
The title does not give much away – referring to the four neighbourhoods of Los Angeles close to the Californian desert. "It’s the story of a woman in deep trouble. The story also has a hidden mystery, that’s all I will say on the subject," declared David Lynch with regard to his film.

The first visit by Lynch to Poland was in 2000 when the director was invited to the Camerimage festival at Łódź. His fascination since then for this town, headquarters of the famous film school, brought him back two years later. That’s when the project began – in a little bedroom painted green, the first images were taken.
Many Polish actors are in the cast, notably Karolina Gruszka, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Leon Niemczyk, Piotr Andrzejewski. But the main roles are taken by Laura Dern, Justin Theroux, Jeremy Irons, Harry Dean Santon.
This time the crew is filming in the Łódź hotels and in Manufaktura, former factories transformed into a modern commercial-cultural complex.

Production on Inland Empire was not officially announced until the last Cannes festival, by Studio Canal – one of the co-producers of the film. The Polish end of the production is being handled by Marek Żydowicz, director of the Camerimage festival, in coopération with Fundacja Tumult.
The film’s première is scheduled for the next Cannes festival. In Poland, the film will probably come out in the autumn, and Kino Świat will be the distributor.

Dorota Hartwich

el laberinto del fauno

nueva de del Toro.

Court Suspends London's Mayor for 4!

LONDON, Feb. 24 — A disciplinary panel today took the highly unusual step of suspending the mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, for four weeks to punish him for comparing a Jewish reporter to a Nazi concentration camp guard.

-Mayor: "What did you do before? Were you a German war criminal?"
-Reporter: "No, I'm Jewish. I wasn't a German war criminal."
-Mayor: "Actually, you are just like a concentration camp guard. You're just doing it 'cause you're paid to, aren't you?"

¿Que dice nuestro corresponsal en Inglaterra? artículo...

Chulin-Chulín Chunflái

Sucumbamos de una vez y por todas vez al poder seductor del reaggueatón. El León Blanco, la gente que más sabe de juguetes, René Pérez Joglar (Residente Calle 13) y Julio Voltio nos traen: Chulín-Culín Chunflái

"¿Que pasó, chori?
¿Guátllu gonadú?
Deja mojar el palitroque en salsa ragú..."

Birografía de Residente Calle Trece

Chulín Culín Chunflái
Residente Calle 13 y Julio Voltio

Con tu Chulin Culín Cunflaí
Abro la Boca y mi Lengua se cae
Ojalai Ojalai Ojalai y que tu seas mi mai
Ojala y q tu seas mi mai
Ojala y q tu seas mi mai

Residente Calle 13-

Me gusta como me guaya tu papaya
si tu vas pa allá uva, guaya
Que ella va con Guayaba pa´allá va
A quitarte el diablo de encima
Se te ve la raya, la partudira
la que divide la blancura de tus nalguras, dura
tu eres pura sangre, sangre pura
por ti dejo el celibato y me quito´e cura
(¿Me lo juras?)
Nah, ni pa´tanto bueno...
después de que me des el canto
yo voy a to´as contra cualquier santo
asalto cuatro bancos y me tiro de un barranco.


Y aveces me tranco pero q me quede manco
le guayo el calanco con su pantaloncito blanco
en el cual se le brota la pandorca,
abusadora, despues que la crías la ahorcas
la tiene a dieta pero como quiera está gorda
no come maíz pero le gusta la mazorca
si se prende en fuego hay que pegarle la manguera
seguimo´ en la pichaera


Con tu Chulín Culín Chunflái
Abro la boca y mi lengua se cae
Ojalai Ojalai Ojalai y que tu seas mi mai
Ojala y que tu seas mi mai
Ojala y que tu seas mi mai

Q pajó chori
deja mojar el palitroque en salsa ragú

Residente Calle 13-
Pa´mojarte los deítos en beibifú
Jey no me patees q esto no es kunfú


Esa diabla está loca esta que estilla
Campeona, como la Mujer Maravilla
Bebió acetona con passoa y agua maravilla
Como yo soy fuman´´chu´´ le jaló hasta la colilla
Me tiene sudando en frío como en fiebre amarilla
si Danny la pilla la monta en la carretilla
el búmper le brilla, me gualla la hebilla
me chupa to´el voltaje y se me funde la bombilla.

Me le trepo el mismo diía como veinticuatro veces
en veinte uñas ni se parece
Le pregunto que te gusta, rápido se crece
(¡Me gusta Julio Voltio y Residente Calle 13!)

Residente Calle 13-

Tonga la songa mama sanga
moviendo la pichanga con sabor a catanga
con un poquito 'e gracia como la bamba
le dejo las cadera changas
a sudar caldo de oso panda
y hasta las gringas bailan
fuera de ritmo con las piernas zambas
si eres chumba pues menea la espalda
no hay que tener nalgas pa´pararme la cabeza calva
lo que hay que tener es mucha lava volcánica
bellaquera orgánica
verde botánica
aceitosa, mecánica


Con tu Chul[in Cul[in Chunflái
Abro la boca y mi lengua se cae
Ojalai Ojalai Ojalai y q tu seas mi mai
Ojala y q tu seas mi mai
Ojala y q tu seas mi mai

Aqui está...todo bajo control

todo bajo control
todo bajo control... aquí aquí
todo bajo control...aquí aquí

we got it under control
we got it it under control
we got it under control....Under control

(Hablando Voltio y Residente Calle 13)

Man jailed for grabbing butt

Is it worth four years in prison?

World's Largest Windows Error Message


'Emergency declared in Philippines'...golpe de estado?

"Philippines President Gloria Arroyo has declared a state of emergency, after the army said it had prevented a coup."...
¿quieres saber más?...
Lo encontré interesante por que casi nunca encuentro noticias provenientes de Filipinas y por que aparentemente en ese país son frecuentes los golpes o los rumores de golpes de estado.

Puente de Agua

Water Bridge in Germany... What a feat!
Six years, 500 million euros, 918 meters this is engineering!

This is a channel-bridge over the River Elbe and joins the former East and West Germany, as part of the unification project. It is located in the city of Magdeburg, near Berlin. The photo was taken on the day of inauguration.

To those who appreciate engineering projects

Yes this is true . You can visit link below

Water Bridge

As Deutsche Welle described the bridge upon its completion in 2003:

Taking six years to build and costing around half a billion euros, the massive undertaking will connect Berlin's inland harbor with the ports along the Rhine river. At the center of the project is Europe's longest water bridge measuring in just shy of a kilometer at 918 meters. The huge tub to transport ships over the Elbe took 24,000 metric tons of steel and 68,000 cubic meters of concrete to build.

The water bridge will enable river barges to avoid a lengthy and sometimes unreliable passage along the Elbe. Shipping can often come to a halt on the stretch if the river's water mark falls to unacceptably low levels.

Plans for joining the two canals had been conceived as far back as 1919, and construction on such a project began during the 1930s, but first World War II and then the post-war division of Germany put the project on hold until after German reunification was achieved in the 1990s.