miércoles, febrero 22, 2006


Want to find out how much your home is worth? Thinking of buying that property in the Bronx? Get your free online real estate services info via Zillow.
"Zillow" evolved from the desire to make zillions of data points for homes accessible to everyone. But a home is about more than data - it is where you lay your head to rest at night, like a pillow. Thus, "Zillow" was born.


Placa de Petri

Placa de Petri
Trainers for border crossers
y mira el presio al final del articulo
de nuevo hmmmmm

To Uganda with love (o la nueva teocracia africana)

Rashky y Pat Robertson son nenes al lado de estos 'pastores' en Uganda.

Foro Social de Puerto Rico

The first Puerto Rico Social Forum will take place on May 26-28, 2006.

Everyone interested in genuine social change is invited.

To find out how you can participate or help out, please come to the first
meeting of the NYC Delegation Steering Committee.

7 pm, Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Room 1542, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

(899 10th Ave. @ W 59th St.)

Death by 'misadventure'...

Debe haber una técnica correcta que evite este tipo de accidentes.
Spring Break Hotel Bed Jumping gone wrong.
Jumping On The Bed - A 10-Step Guide

Corte estadounidense aprueba uso de té alucinógeno

O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal
Ahora podremos formar nuestro propio grupo 'religioso' y fumar y beber té de campana.

Still Lovers

El lado humano de las rial dols. Que domesticas se ven. Casi que las puedo ver fregando.