miércoles, marzo 22, 2006


This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang,

but a whimper.

[haz clik]

Architect's Duel 2

EXCLUSIVE: Watch exclusive video of Matthew Grzywinski /Amador Pons (Grzywinski Pons Architects) versus Eric Hofmann /Daniel Colvard (Arquitectonica) during their performance on stage at the Architect's Duel 2.

The Brief // Both architects will take the stage to receive their brief. The time will be used to plan and sketch their design. A short intermission will follow this round. Materials will be available if they choose to work..."

Grzywinski Pons Architects vs. Arquitectonica

Arquitectonica Team
on stage

Grzywinski Pons Team on stage

Read everything about LVHRD Architect's Duel.
Meet Grzywinski Pons Team here.
Meet Arquitectonica Team here.