jueves, junio 01, 2006

LZ 129 Hindenburg

LZ 129 Hindenburg

Brooklyn Digital Foundry

Brooklyn Digital Foundry

De Blanquismo y Perejil...

sacVídeo Exclusivo

"In pursuing blanquismo, he ordered Dominican troops to massacre 20,000 dark-skinned Haitian sugar cane workers in 1937, an action that he claimed was a sovereign response to the Haitian government's support of exiled Dominicans who were working to overthrow him. The US demanded that Trujillo pay reparations, which Trujillo bargained down to $500,000. The Haitian workers were identified as immigrants, and then murdered by the truckload, if they could not pronounce the letter r in "perejil" the Spanish word for parsley..."

Todo sobre Leónidas ...