viernes, febrero 24, 2006

Man jailed for grabbing butt

Is it worth four years in prison?

10 comentarios:

perezpuig dijo...

Los artistas famosos no los encarcelan ...y si no eres famoso y solo das un pequenyo "pat" te dejan ir tambien...

Last month (May 2005), a Manhattan judge dismissed a forcible touching charge against a fabric merchant who patted a customer's behind. But while patting is not a crime, grabbing, squeezing or pinching is, the judge ruled.

perezpuig dijo...

A los

perezpuig dijo...

So i was reading this

which talks about same sex harassment at the workplace...
Apparently its not ok for a man to grab another man's crotch (sexual discrimination), but its ok to grab his butt (no sexual discrimination because women have butts too)...?!

It WOULD be considered discrimination IF the butt grabber case was gay male...!?!? What?

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, "workplace harassment must be more than crude or humiliating. It has to constitute discrimination on the basis of sex."

Hence, the person who wrote this article concludes that bisexuals have a license to harass.

perezpuig dijo...

bueno, es que me fui por la vena de "grabbing, squeezing or pinching adn patting"...

btw, me molesta que no pueda editar mis propios comentarios...los typos se quedan...

perezpuig dijo...

adn it is.

perezpuig dijo...


perezpuig dijo...


cyberdos dijo...

A mi me esta Raquel, que la que escribio ese articulo no sabe de que esta hablando. En mi compañia anualmente tenemos talleres de hostigacion sexual para definir que es y que no es. Siempre se hace bien claro que no importa el sexo. Siempre y cuando uno se sienta intimidado por cualquier gesto que la otra persona haga, puede ser reportado.

me esta que la mujer esta distorcionando un poco los datos.

perezpuig dijo...

Hence man is jailed for 4's that for distorting?
Estas mujeres, que se creen?

Ao ©® dijo...

"When he was arrested, she was given the option of slapping him, letting him go, or filing a complaint..."