jueves, febrero 23, 2006

Millones marchan por la Estadidad Radical

La Gran Marcha por el fin de la Colonia. Millones marchan por la Estadidad Radical.

¡Escuche AQUí!

Rosselló no se percata de enfrentamientos con bando de McClintock

Pa'que se les revuelva el estomago un ratito...jajajaja...el tipo es como la hierba mala.
Si quieren vomitar, lean el artículo... "Al igual que en el pasado no vio la corrupción que rodeó su gobierno, el presidente del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), Pedro Rosselló, dijo ..."

The Flying Luxury Hotel

Even though the Aeroscraft dwarfs the largest commercial airliners, it requires less net space on the ground than any plane because it doesn't need a runway. The airship takes off and lands like a helicopter: straight up and down. Popular Science Article here

BOO! I'm a Hacker!

So my company is making me take a mandatory online course on "Internet Security" and I found this to be hilarious. Is this really what corporate america thinks a hacker looks like?

looks more lika a KGB agent than a hacker to me.

Escape (from Skyscrapers) Rescue Systems

View the escape rescue system in action and detail

Technology slowing things down at work?

Americans work more, seem to accomplish less

Other links
Wireless changes work, play (CNN article. Also click on Gallery: Gadgets on the Horizon)
5 "hot" products to help "make work easier"

Saddam Shark

Too shocking for Belgium