martes, junio 20, 2006


"Zopa lets people who have spare money to lend it directly to people, like them, who want to borrow it. No bank in the middle, no huge overheads, no unethical investments."

"Zopa is for creditworthy people who earn money in new ways, in ways that banks don't always recognise. People who are self employed, people who have peaks and troughs to their income, people who would be invisible to a bank's credit rating system but are seen and validated by Zopa's."


2 comentarios:

brenda dijo...

Hey Do' definitivamente...People are better than Banks...yo solo nec. q. me prestes $2,000 para el pronto de un hybrid;)

brenda dijo...

jajaja...anoche mismo César me estaba hablando de ese episodio pero no lo había visto...a ver si encuentro la parte del "perfect storm" ;)