miércoles, febrero 08, 2006

¡Que arda, que arda que arda!

7 comentarios:

cyberdos dijo...

Es triste ver lo que esta ocurriendo porque, mientras personas como yo que hemos baqueado a los musulmanes en tantos eventos a favor de la libertad de Palestina y otras causas, ellos estan actuando a pie de letra los estereotipos que los ha demonizado la prensa estadounidense.

It's like a stab in the back.

Como poder seguir abogando por estas culturas si ellos mismos no reconocen derechos tan simples como la libertad de prensa? Y el hecho de que no distingan entre lo que es un periodico indepentiente con un pueblo entero o su gobierno es patetico.

cyberdos dijo...

Yara, entiendo perfectamente lo que dices. Ayer iba a hacer la aclaracion de que debi haber dicho religion en vez de cultura pero te quitaron el turno de usar la computadora(osea me gritaron disque yo no hago na en casa).

Pero luego de pensarlo dos vecesm es dificil hacer la separacion (aunque yo si la hago) entre estado y religion en paises islamicos. Es complicada la cosa. Take it for what it's worth.

Lechers. no entiendo de que hablas. Al menos ESTE izquierdista no defiende "macharranerias islamicas". Yo lo que defiendo es el derecho de cada cual vivir como le de la gana sin intervencion de otr@s entidades.

..........it's a cartoon.

I cease to understand what the big deal is. be it racist, homophobic, extremist, whatever.......it's a cartoon. If these cartoonist would've killed inocent people(like the KKK) or were trying to strangle a whole nation(like US on Cuba) then I would be upset but....

IT'S JUST A FUCKING CARTOON!!! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!(I'm agnostic, so you know I mean it.lol)

cyberdos dijo...

y quien es lecleres?

cyberdos dijo...

"try and understand the backgrounds, just a little bit."

If you knew me you would KNOW that I understand cultural backgrounds perfectly well. I've been raised a socialist all my life and one of the things that was instilled in me since young was that everyone should be treated with equality and that they have the right to exist culturally.

Yet another thing that was also instilled in me is that respect for life is the most important thing...in life.

It matters not how you paint it. We can have cultural differences but to riot and want to kill western, eastern, northern or southern society over something so trivial as a cartoon is pathetic.

How ridiculous is this:
"We protest these cartoons of Allah with a bomb in his turban, i.e. depicting Islam as a terrorist faith, so much so that we'll go bomb and burn a few embassies."

That goes beyond ironical. That, in any culture or perspective that you may be looking at it from is absurd.

cyberdos dijo...

"Who harms Islam more? This European guy who paints Muhammad or the real Muslim guy who cuts a hostage's head off and says, 'Allah-u akbar?"


cyberdos dijo...

Ah! Sorry about that Orland. I should've read your post before putting mine up.

cyberdos dijo...

just as long as you don't post an image desacrating Valentino Rossi you'll be OK. but if you do....

Ima go buck wild!