martes, febrero 07, 2006


"The question is: what is a
Mahnamahna?!. The queston is: who cares

EXCLUSIVE FINDING: Mahnamahna was originally written for the
Swedish soft porn documentary - Svezia, Inferno e Paradiso...

LEARN MORE about the Mahnamahna here.

5 comentarios:

cyberdos dijo...

First I'd like to know what is "tut, tuuu, tu-tu-tu"

Ao ©® dijo...

I'm not sure if I can tell you...

Ao ©® dijo...

Sounds like it was originally written for the soft porn documentary Svezia, Inferno e Paradiso ("Sweden Heaven or Hell")...

cyberdos dijo...

Wikipedia is full of it.

nando c. dijo...

Who cares?